
環保音樂短劇Its Mans Fault 都是人類的錯

Give me your hands.(x2) They taste good.(x2)

獵人找不到 面對四方大叫: 熊先生 你在那? 我需要你
Mr Bear. Where are you? I need you.
找不著 失望地走開

大熊見人走開後 由樹後出來
大熊唱:(歌:沒人知道我的苦楚)沒人知到我所遇見的苦楚 除了我親愛的朋友外,沒人知道 --聲音低沉,緩慢且悲傷
(Tune: Nobody knows but Jesus)
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen. Nobody knows but my dear friends.

大樹唱:我可憐的熊先生,發生了甚麼事? 你能讓我們知道嗎, 親愛的?
What happened, my poor Mr. Bear? Can you let us know, my dear?

小河:喔 我的天 你的手 你的手….它還在流血呢
Oh! My Goodness! See your hands. They're bleeding.

熊 (數來寶) 人追我 作他的食物 我不能跑 我不能跳 我不能再像以前那樣靈活了
Man chased me. For his meal, I can't hop. I can't run! I can't do what I've ever done.

眾物跪下齊呼(數來寶):噢! 萬能主(x2) 聽我說 不要不聽 你看看這個人 儘他所能 置我於死胡同(路) 救救我幫幫我脫離此苦痛
Mighty God!(X2) Listen to me. Never stop. See this man, do what he can, put me down to the dead lane. Save me. Help me. Get off the pain!
(移至場邊 繼續做哭泣 祈求狀)

上帝(非常生氣說): 我知道了 我立刻採取行動
I see. I'll do something right now.

上帝: (say)低沉,顫抖的聲音 我的子民啊!來來!
Come to me!~ ~ ~ My child. Come to ME! (最後ME大吼)

What happened? Anything wrong?

Look there!
樹熊河看到人後同聲尖叫: 他出現了 釘他十字架(x2)
He is here. Crucify him!(x2) (拿十字架大喊後丟向人類)

人問: 噢,天哪! 小鳥們到那兒去了?
Oh, My! Where are the birds?
樹唱: 不再唱歌
(sing) No more singing... ing的尾音拉長.

人問: 熊那裡不對勁了?
What's wrong with the bears?
熊唱: 不再跳躍
(sing) No more hopping...

人問: 魚又那裡不對勁了?
And what's wrong with the fish?
河唱: 不再游泳
(sing) No more swimming...

人類(懊惱地):唉 我太自私了 都是我的錯 我不再做那些事了 我保證 你們願當我的朋友嗎? (捶胸頓足,下跪求饒)
Oh! I'm too selfish. It's my fault. I'll never do that again, I promise. Would you all be my friends?

大樹,小河 熊接受人類的認錯 : Hmmm…, OK! 走向人類將其扶起來
上帝再次拿起地球儀,笑咪咪的與萬物合唱(音樂)世界是美好的 人類是善良的 萬物是快樂的……
He's got the whole world in his hand. People are very good in his hand. All is very happy in his hand. He's got the whole world in his hand.

(齊謝幕) 表演結束 謝謝觀賞
We end our show here. Thanks for watching.

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