

Skipping Class

Anita: Never understands why students like to skip classes
Kevin: Treats “skipping classes” as the principle of university life
Ken: Eager to skip classes but dares not to do it
Jason: Always commits himself not to skip classes
Steven: Always gives himself a good excuse for skipping class
Rita: A professional class skipper

Scene I
(Anita, Kevin, Ken, Jason, Steven, and Rita are all Tunghai University students.  They are good friends. One day, Ken and Jason meet on the way to the classroom.)
Ken:          Why are you late? And, you just missed the last class. The teacher gave us the main topics for the mid-term examination.
Jason:       Oh, shoot! I just missed it. Would you lend me your notes so I can make a copy?
Ken:          Sure if you give me a good reason why you missed the class. You promised me that you would be in class on time today.
Jason:       Believe me, I would like to keep my word. The problem is that I have the “Business Management” test today and I was up studying for it till three o’clock this morning. Then I fell asleep and woke up at ten o’clock this morning.
Ken:          You studied until three o’clock this morning? Why? What did you do yesterday afternoon? I know you were free from four o’clock on yesterday.
Jason:       Well, I met one of my very old friends on line and we just talked too long…
Ken:          For God’s sake! Don’t you care about next week’s mid-term examination?

Scene II
(Anita, Steven and Kevin are talking to one another in front of a classroom.  And, Anita is trying to prevent Steven and Kevin from cutting the next class.)
Anita:        Hey, we’ll have the “Business Management” class in a few minutes.  Where are you going? Don’t tell me that you are going to argue with Jason.
Steven:     I will do anything for my good friend. Of course I am going to argue with the guy who gave my good friend a hard time.
Anita:        You always like to get involved in someone else’s business. You’ll get yourself in trouble. Don’t you know it? ...
Kevin:       Anita, don’t be upset with him. He will not listen to you. Just leave him a

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