

(Original script)
(William carry his bag to school)
William: Today is my very first day at campus, I heard of campus is a ivory tower and full of joy, in there,I can broaden my horizon and follow my interest to making friends, especially the association of campus is a shinning view, look ,there is a hip-hop association, I will go there, follow me.
Association : Howdy, guys, come here.
Are you a freshman?
William: Yeah. Could you tell me something about your association?
Association:Of course.  Firstly, let me ask you some questions.
Do you want to show your talent? (YES)
Do you want to enrich your campus life? (YES)
Do you want to be a star? (YES)
So, this is the stage what you want, we’ll give you many chances to show your style. Come on, no hesitation.
W: Okay, that’s great, I will join you.
Voice-over:A month later, William had come to know that he has a lot of things to do, he is confused there.
William: This is my homework, and this is my activity, which one I should choose? Oh my god, who can help me?
Voice-over:At that time, the learning angel and the hip-hop fairy come to his mind at the same time.
Learning Angel: To be or not to be, that is a question. Litter William, Shakespeare is calling you. This is the ocean of knowledge , the heaven of literature. Please take your book and come to my world.
W: Okay, angel , wait me …wait me.
Voice-over: Suddenly, the hip-hop fairy is coming.
Hip-pop fairy: Yo yo yo! Everybody! Push you hands up.(Singing)Buddy you’re a boy make a big noise playing in the street gonna be a big man someday, you’ve got the mud on your face, big disgrace, kicking your can all over the place. Singing, we will we will rock you. Singing, we will we will rock you.
What’s boy? Come with me, we have a big party. Hurry up!
William: Wow, so cool, take me away.(leave his book on the floor)
Learning Angel:No! Stop!
(Face to William)You can’t do it. It is time to study.
(Face to Hip-pop fairy)And you, who are you?(The tone with provocation)
Hip-pop fairy: It’s none of your business, it’s time for fun, get out of his world, he should come with me.
Learning Angel: No! You can’t! Shut up!
Hip-pop fairy: What? What? ( Disputing)
William: All right… all right. Calm down…. calm down guys!We must have a talk!
Learning Angel and Hip-hop fairy: Okay…okay. (Calm down)
William: (Face to Learning Angel)You, you’re the important part of my life, I know I should pay more attention to you.
But, you(Face to Hip-hop fairy),without you, my life is not complete.
(Face to audiences)Learning angel is my right hand, Hip-hop fairy is my left hand, you should get well alone with each other and work together, I need you to create my beautiful campus life.
Learning Angel: Okay, William is right.
Hip-hop fairy: Yes, I really

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  • 英语小品剧本
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