

彭宸光 SmallWhite(小白)
丁澄洋 Told
严安然 N Ninkle
高烁 SecondBrother Sally Liu(作弊者甲)
沈智达 LXY Sarry Li(作弊者乙)
胡皓 A
纪晓凡 旁白
黄鑫 电教
杨欣雨 后勤
Told: Today we’re going to have an exam.
C: Told told us he was giving an exam.
SW: 李笑雨!!
Everybody: 李笑雨!!
SW: Teacher, please!
Told: What?
SW: Look what they did!
Told: What did you do? (看着SecB)
Told: Nothing? Nothing.
Told: OK, time’s up. Hand in.
SW: Shit! How could this happen? (把书包扔到地上)
旁白: This is CurtJiang, or SmallWhite, a Junior 3 student. Someone says he is obstinate, can’t take the changes around him. Sure he is. He’d just moved to another class for some reason. And the things happened there really made him disappointed.
He is now lying in his bed, thinking over the case he saw in that English test. He is confused, and with this confusion, he fall asleep…
SW: Who! Who are you?!
SecB: What, don’t you know us?
SW(慢慢向后退): Why are you here?!
LXY: Because we are here.
SW(停顿一下,然后向前走,绕过床): You cheated, didn’t you? You should be punished, shouldn’t you?
SecB: You’re only right in one thing. We cheated.
LXY: But we will never be punished.
SW: Yes, you will. You did something bad, and you shall be guilty.
LXY: No, we’re not. We have already done this for several times, in all kinds of tests.
SecB: You new guy from here have no right to criticize.
Told: You - human beings, always make mistakes, always feel guilty, but always leave things happen. You always do nothing to deal with facts, because you can only do nothing.
SW: But why didn’t you stop them? You’re a teacher!
Told: Different people have different opinion. In my opinion, you are a poor boy, because you’re out of hope.
Told, SecB, LXY(齐,逐次声音变强,向前走逼近,SW向后退): You are a poor boy, without hope – you are a poor boy without hope – you are a poor boy, without hope.
SW: No!-
SW: A dream? Just a dream… (下台)
旁白: Small White starts to work. He has found all his hope back, filled his heart with it. In his mind, the braveness conquered his fear. He talked with Told, but he said…
旁白: So he turned to some others.
SW: Ms Ninkle, would you mind if I take you a moment?
N: Sure. Wh

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