

玩儿啊。(龙母转身向左离开去宴会,走三到五步时播放音乐Tow Hornpipes Tortuga,姐姐们喝酒、游戏、跳舞,人鱼原地伤心,几秒钟后人鱼忧伤的从左退场,再过几秒姐姐们从右退场,音乐结束)
小人鱼:(自言自语)I have no choice.
小人鱼:(胆怯)I know you can help me!
巫婆:Yeah,I know what you want,it is very stupid of you, but you shall have your way,and it will bring you to sorrow, my pretty princess.
小人鱼:I must get rid of my fish's tail, and to have two legs instead of it,like human beings on earth.Only in this way I can live with my prince.
巫婆:But you must use your most precious thing as the payment.You have the sweetest voice of any who dwell here in the depths of the sea,so I will cut your tongue!
小人鱼:(考虑一下) Ok,due!
小人鱼:王子,我终于可以来找你了。(喝, 忍受不了剧痛倒下)
王子:Here is a girl.What’s wrong with you?Take her to the palace.
(灯光暗,念旁白时播放音乐Swanheart 23秒或者到旁白结束)
旁白:The prince fell in love with her at first glance,and few days later they fell in love. One day,the little mermaid looked at the prince with her beautiful eyes,as to say...
小人鱼:(旁白)I have been here for a long time.Do you love me the best of them all?
王子:(微笑,无奈)You have the best heart, and you are the most devoted to me. You are like a young maiden whom I once saw, but whom I shall never meet again. My ship met a storm and the waves took me ashore.A maidens found me on the shore and saved my life. I saw her but twice, and she is the only one in the world whom I could love.But you are like her, and you have almost driven her image out of my mind.
小人鱼:(自言自语)He didn’t know that it was I who saved his life. He loves her better than he loves me.(此时静静地低头,转身,走两步后紧跟着念旁白。公主从左上)
旁白:It’s unfortune to the little mermaid,the princess also found the prince,and she also loved him very much.
王子:(对公主)It was you who saved my life when I lay dead on the beach.(人鱼很吃惊,猛然转身)You will be my bride,and we will be together forever.
王子:(对人鱼)Oh, I am too happy,my fondest hopes are all fulfilled. You will rejoice at my happiness for your devotion to me is great and sincere.
公主:When will we get married?
旁白:The little mermaid felt her heart were already broken. His wedding morning would bring death to her, and she would change into the foam of the sea.
旁白:All the church bells rung,the wadding was begun.
牧师:Prince,are you pleased to marry the princess and love her forever?
王子:Yes,I will.
牧师:And princess, are you pleased to marry the prince and share the happiness and sorrow with him?
公主:Yes, I am.
牧师:Change the rings.Ok.Now you have got married ,you should take care of each other from now on! Amen!
王子:(微笑,轻声)Let’s go,my bride.
(走到舞台中央坐下)(灯光偏暗,播放音乐Theme from Armageddon,念旁

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