
我不在乎_ 甄皮爺 I dont care_Pierre

ed at Pierre
Who shouted-Yes, indeed, I care!
The lion took them home to rest
And stayed on as a weekend guest
The moral of Pierre is: CARE!

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souldja2 (5 days ago) Show Hide
Wow! Can't believe I found this sound, it had to be atleast 20 plus yrs since I saw this. I really dont know how I remembered this, it just popped in my head so I did a search. Good story!
Cocobrun (3 days ago) Isn't it lovely to find such precious things from a more innocent time in life. Almost brought a to my eyes.
moseeno (1 week ago) grade school!
1970andme (1 week ago) very happy goose bumps!
stacy3864 (1 week ago) funny you should mention nutshell. it's actually from "nutshell library"
janerazor (1 week ago) Years ago, when my kids were younger, I randomly checked this video out from the library. Beautiful songs; gorgeous singing! I got the CD just because *I* liked the songs so much.
onn1320 (2 weeks ago) I saw this on PBS twice as a kid (talking decades ago) - But for some reason, after only seeing it twice - I never forgot it.
GordoCabrona (1 week ago) here, I only remember the name and the lion, and I happen to find it! I miss being a kid
BigStash (2 weeks ago) ...GOD BLESS WHOEVER PUT THIS ON YOUTUBE!!!!...2nd...all kids need to see this today!!!...3rd...I would have whooped Pierre on the 1st "I don't care"...
saceismyname (2 weeks ago) I don't care :-)

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