远 离 网 吧Keep Away From the Net
Tom:(抓着书包的一角,哀求地说)Please return me my bag. I must go to school. I can’t have my class without books.
Boss:(不耐烦地说)No more excuses, go out. Otherwise, I’ll tell your parents all about it.
Tom:(害怕地说)Oh, no. Please don’t tell them.(Tom只好哭着,手揉着通红的眼睛,疲惫、悲伤地走出游戏机室。)第一幕完。
Ms.Wu:Hi,Tom. What’s wrong with you? You looks sad today.
Tom:Sorry,Ms.Wu. I’m very tired. I’ve got a little cold.
Ms.Wu:(关心地说)It seems that you have something in your mind. I was worried about you.
Tom:(低着头说)I’m well. Thank you, Ms. Wu.
Ms.Wu:(看到桌子上没书。)Where are your books?
Tom:(慌慌张张、支支唔唔地回答。)I forgot to take them.