

甲:知道吗?现在开始招募世博志愿者了,这可太好了。我能为世博做贡献啦!Do you know? It begins to recruit Expo volunt

2、幼儿英语剧剧本_go shopping

A:        B:     &nb

3、英语小品_Little Dustmen

Let’s change the new Dongcheng district for the betterCharacter: Student A, Stud


北京西城实验学校初一奥运英语短剧剧本 Beijing is ready for the Olympics(A peddler, Mary, Diana and

5、Little Duck

Little DuckOne sunny Sunday morning, Little Duck went to visit his grandma. On h


小品:英汉歌曲对唱A:你好!B:Hello.A:哦嗬,英语学得不错呀。B:I can sing many English songs.A:什么?英语歌?真的吗?

7、中学英语小品_Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood:Ashley(需有舞蹈动作)   Dad:Lan    

8、Pull up the turnip

In the village, there is a happy family, grandfather, grandmother and the girl.


英语剧编剧:彼得潘的梦 原编剧:今晓(演员人数:6人)The big mouse visiting small mouse show  &n

10、A Mujina 狢

二年23班英文話劇比賽劇本A Mujina 狢Act 1Os: On a village road. At night. An old man is on hi

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