歌手:regina spektor
- 姓名:regina spektor
- 性别:女
- 别名:Регина Спектор
- 国籍:美国
- 语言:英语;
- 出生地:俄罗斯莫斯科
- 生日:1980-02-18
- 星座:水瓶座
- 身高:0
- 体重:0
regina spektor简介:蕾吉娜·史派克特(Regina Spektor),尽管曾与前段时间排行榜上火爆一时的“敲击”乐队(The Strokes)一起做过巡演,此外,在过去的几年中,于纽约的“反传统民谣”(anti-folk)圈子中也已小有名气,但是这个名字对于很多人来说显然还是颇为陌生。史派克特已经自发行了3张专辑作品,但却很少能够进入人们的视线,不过随着互联网络对于艺人自我宣传的愈发显着的支持,蕾吉娜·史派克特也逐渐开始为一些人所知。
Rgina Sektor的音乐会让你不禁然地联想到一个很有古怪灵秀气质的女孩,事实上,在她所演绎的大部分音乐中,富于冷峻而诡异变化的钢琴是唯一的伴奏乐器,这让我们想起了另一位现在已身为人母、可当年却以怪异钢琴气质而独步乐坛的女唱作人Tori Amos。但是,如果仅仅给Regina Spektor冠以“怪异风格唱作人”的头衔则无形中大大削减了她音乐中具有的多元化音乐色彩。
by Heather Phares
A veteran of New York's anti-folk scene, Regina Spektor makes quirky, highly eclectic, but always personal music. Born and raised in Moscow until age nine, Spektor listened to her father's bootleg tapes of Western pop and rock as a young child and also learned to play piano. She and her family moved from Russia to the Bronx, where she was immersed in American culture (at the time, hers was the first Russian family in the borough in 20 years). Eventually, Spektor and her family became part of a community that balanced her Russian Jewish roots with her new home's culture. She continued to practice piano anywhere she could, including at her synagogue, until her family got a piano of their own. Spektor further developed her classical piano training by attending the SUNY Purchase Music Conservatory. During her studies, she was exposed to blues and jazz artists, including Billie Holiday, for the first time; these sounds made such an impact on Spektor that they became a big part of her self-released 2001 debut album, 11:11. At the same time, she was also playing gigs anywhere she could in the city, in venues ranging from basements to parties to comedy clubs. With her frequent performances and another self-released album, 2002's Songs, Spektor developed a following that included Alan Bezozi, They Might Be Giants' drummer; he introduced Spektor to the Strokes' producer, Gordon Raphael. Raphael and Bezozi worked with Spektor on her third album, Soviet Kitsch, in New York and London (where she collaborated with the band Kill Kenada). Soviet Kitsch was initially self-released like her other work, but it eventually found a wider release with Sire Records. Tours with the Strokes, Kings of Leon, Mates of State, and the Moldy Peaches' Kimya Dawson further raised Spektor's profile. Tours of the U.K. and the success of "Us" as a single there led to the release of the CD/DVD retrospective Mary Ann Meets the Gravediggers and Other Short Stories early in 2006; that summer, Begin to Hope, her first album of original material for Sire, arrived.