
歌手:connie talbot



connie talbot简介:Connie Talbot,彩虹深处的小天使,6岁时参加电视台天才表演比赛,歌喉技惊四座,更令评判感动落泪。在Connie只有18个月的时候,就对唱歌产生了浓厚的兴趣。为了维持家计,Connie的父母都在外工作,所以 Connie大部分的时间都和同样爱唱歌的奶奶生活在一起,而音乐让Connie和奶奶之间的感情更加深厚。因为家里经济条件有限,Connie的父母没有能力供她上声乐课。可小Connie对歌唱的兴趣却越来越浓厚,不仅白天,Connie甚至会在梦里唱歌给自己听(这可是Connie自己亲口说的)。半夜听到歌声的父母在找寻了好久后才发现是自己的女儿在梦里发出的歌声,这一切让父母有了辜负女儿的感觉,于是他们为Connie买了一台价值39.99 英镑的唱片机。《Britain’s got talent》(和《American Idol》一样的选秀节目,都有要求严格的 SONY BMG 唱片公司资深顾问Simon Cowell 做评委,而这是一个是英国节目。由于 《Britain's Got Talent 》有了小Connie 的出现)给了Connie一个机会,当她出现在海选赛场上的时候,因为之前选手的劣质表演而被影响心情的评委显然没有把Connie当人才来看,可当6岁的Connie开口唱歌的一刹那,评委的脸上的表情却变成了不可思议!他们做梦也没想到康妮竟能将这首歌唱得这样完美和动情,作为评委之一的英国电视女星阿曼达·侯顿当场被歌声感动得落泪。当康妮一曲清唱完毕后,全场观众掌声雷动,而3位评委更是惊得长时间说不出话来。英国选秀赛评委之一、SONY BMG唱片公司资深顾问Simon Cowell对康妮说:“你实在太棒了,我只有一个问题:这真的是你唱的吗?!”Connie 当时只有六岁,除了有那种特有的小大人的气质,但又不失天真可爱的笑容,且正在换门牙,但并不影响她的演唱。当她的初次登台时,清唱了经典影片《绿野仙踪》里的经典歌曲《Over the Rainbow》技惊所有在场观众,并让包括 Simon 在内的三个评委赞叹不已。而评委之一的 Amanda 更被其声音所感动落泪。Connie成功的进入了24强半决赛,在为半决赛的准备过程中,Connie有点练习过度,这致使她在半决赛的表演中出现了音色沙哑的情况,但这并没有影响观众和评委对她的喜爱,观众投票率第一的她直接晋级决赛。决赛是在父亲节,看Connie穿着可爱的金黄色连衣裙,演唱的歌曲依旧是初赛时的《Somewhere Over The Rainbow》.然而,Connie的表演不仅没有让人有厌倦感,相反,3位评委、全场观众、还有成千上万的电视观众,都完全被她的歌声所吸引。Connie在决赛的表演可谓完美,遗憾的是,她并没有成为最终的总冠军(其实这样也好,也正常)。然而,全流行音乐界最出色的乐评人,Sony BMG高层之一,Simon主动提出签约的提议。如果不出意外,Connie和Britain's Got Talent的总冠军都会成为Sony BMG的签越歌手。然而,Connie不止唱歌好听,她在学习方面也特别出色。6岁的她,在学前班的时候就完成了小学2年级的功课!因为太过出色,现在在学校里,Connie所作的习题和作业都是老师为她单独准备的。学校里的人甚至不知道Connie进入了半决赛直到初赛部分在电视上播出!成名后的Connie依旧那样天真和自我,可一个只有6岁涉世不深的Connie更喜欢在家吃炸鱼和薯条。Connie的母亲说她希望Connie能够健康快乐的成长,害怕娱乐圈会伤害到自己的女儿。如果Connie真的十分想成为歌手,那么她会竭尽所能的保护Connie的那份纯真。What is it with Britain and cute kids? From time to time, the music industry offers up novelties -- whether they be singing animals, animated puppets, or cute children -- and given the current popularity of reality TV talent shows, one can expect to find competition from a very, very young person who just happens to have that ahhh factor. Such was the case with Connie Talbot, a six-year-old who landed the runner-up slot (losing to victor Paul Potts) on the 2007 series of Britain's Got Talent, an all-comers talent show where jugglers competed with dancers and singers.Talbot was born in Walsall in the midlands of Britain on November 20, 2000. She entered the Britain's Got Talent competition just for a family day out, but melted the hearts of the judges and the voting public with her pure, sweet renditions of "Over the Rainbow" and "Ben." Despite performances that were not totally flawless, she was installed as one of the favorites to win, although she eventually lost the crown to opera singer Potts.Talbot then signed to Simon Cowell's Sony BMG label but was dropped before any product could be released, as the record company deemed Talbot much too young to be embarking on a recording career. A children's division of Rhythm Riders called Rainbow Records was set up specifically for Talbot, and her debut album, Over the Rainbow, was ready for release by November 2007. Despite receiving a significant amount of publicity, the album disappointingly crashed into the chart at number 35 and had nearly exited the charts altogether by Christmas week, while the single "White Christmas" failed to chart at all.

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